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Meet Nowa, your server companion that boosts community engagement automates notifications, assists with Q&A, helps craft content.

What Can Nowa Do for You?

How to engage?

Engage Easily: Simply start by typing "@Nowa". Nowa will reply and engage in the conversation. This way, you can begin interacting with Nova immediately, whether it's for fun, getting help, or testing Nova's features on your server.

Type /help or Nowahelp for more command list

Command list:

๐ŸŽฎ RPG /adventure: start your journey! ๐Ÿš€ /revive: revive you or other adventurer /exchange: exchange EXP for HP or ATK /profile: view you profile /leaderboard: see the leaderboard /gacha: reveal the treasures

๐Ÿ˜‚ Meme /meme: stonks ๐Ÿ“ˆ

๐Ÿ›  Utility /post: set reminders for yourself or others /invite: invite me to your server /feedback: tell me your thought

๐Ÿค Direct Interaction NOWA hug @user โ€” Hugs mentioned user. NOWA cheer @user โ€” Cheers up mentioned user. NOWA wave @user โ€” Waves at mentioned user. NOWA tickle @user โ€” Tickles mentioned user. NOWA wink @user โ€” Winks at mentioned user. NOWA blush @user โ€” Blushes at mentioned user. ๐ŸŽฒ Random Action NOWA action @user: Performs a random action towards the mentioned user.

Upcoming feature

NOWA AI tech is trusted and used by community